My mom successfully runs a farm, how she does it, I have no clue.
All I know is that she has her own unique way of running things.

For example;
The piggies are given bathes by the water hose technique.
Basically try to spray the pig while it is racing around the yard.
But you must avoid several things for this to work.
1. Avoid the pig at all costs. Not only will it smash your toes if it steps on you,
but if you touch it your hands will smell like pig for 3 days. (I have experienced this and it is not a pleasant thing people.)
2. You must actually get the pig wet. Which is a very difficult task. You see,
the pig has no desire to be sprayed by the hose. Which results in the pig; A. Chasing you (in which refer to #1) or B. It running far out of reach of the hose.
3. To top it off then you must get the pig back into the pen. Which is not an easy task. You see
it does not want to give up its new found freedom, so it resists. Also the three others pigs are eager to get out of the pen. The result is commotion and once again the avoiding of getting toes smashing by runaway pigs.
But the end result is usually a wet pig, that still smells but is just wet now, and a pair of
soggy pig smelling jeans and shoes. And if you were not lucky, some smashed toes.

Moving on...
This is the way we decorate our yards in the country.
With big blue trucks, and lawn mowers.

Another way we save space is to plant our zucchinis in flower pots!

Also the turkey get stuffed into boxes, which i guess is practice for when they get stuffed into ovens?

We love to tease our rabbits by placing them in a little square of grass. Then we watch them stare at the fields around them, and we laugh.

We also keep plenty of rats close by, just incase the cats are hungry.

But the best thing is when the birds build nests on our windows.
Haha, you ever see a bug-eyed bird. It's hilarious!
Haha, you ever see a bug-eyed bird. It's hilarious!

And we do our parties in style.

The guests aren't required to be normal!

But the cakes are great!

1 comment:
1. love the bunny picture !! makes me want to just pick it up to cuddle & squeeze it :)
2. who's big blue truck ? its a very pretty color..
3. that cake is GORGEOUS.. i mean.. duh you made it.. but it is SO pretty !! i bet it tasted like heaven too..
i'm coming home soon.. i promise !! less than a month now ! love ya !
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